Samstag, 16. Juni 2007
Radio entery
Today we talk with Tushio Onizuka, he's 75 and when he was a child, he was in an internment camp.

Q.: Thanks that you disposed to talk with us about your experiences. In which camp have you been?
A.: The name of the camp was Topaz. I will never forget the time in the camp, it was a humiliation for my family and all Japanes Americans. We were blamed for Pearl Harbour, but we were only hard-working people.
Q.: What did they say to you? How justiefied they the camps?
A.: They tell us it's for our security and that the camps are like holiday camps. I was very young, and first I was very happy to be allowed to go there.
Q.: Can you remember the reaction of your parents?
A.: For them it was very hard, because my father was the owner of a little shop. He was a very proud man and it was really hard for him.
Q.: Can you tell us something about the daily life in the camps?
A.: I can tell you it was absolutly no holiday camp. I have never been in prison, but I imagin it's nearly the same as in the camp. It was full of people and in the rooms were terrible, there was no furniture but cots and pot-bellieds. It was very boring, but the worst thing was, that I was seperating for my family.
Q.:How did the camps change you?
A.: It conformed my opinion that the whites will see us always as foreigners, who were inferior to them.

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Hallo Zusammen!
Ich bin da letztens auf einen amimailer gestoßen, seitdem ich nämlich jetzt seit fast 2 Jahren ewig e-mails empfange und bestätige und die Auszahlungsgrenze immer noch nicht geknackt habe wurde mir das jetzt mal zu doof. Da bin ich auf einen amimailer gestoßen der echt super ist. Er zahlt bis zu 20cent pro Mail. Die mesitens Mails sind 10cent Mails. Die Auszahlugsgrenze liegt bei 125$ die sind aber recht schnell zu erreichen, da man in einer Woche ca.10$ mit e-mails klicken verdient und dabei ganz locker im Internet surft. Ich fands echt klasse. Ihr könnt euch das ja mal anschauen.

Liebe Grüße Toni

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