Samstag, 16. Juni 2007
Radio Entery
Interview with an Asian American 1982 after Vincent Chin were killed and the judgment were given.

Reporter: Today the lawsuit against Ron Ebens and Michael Nitz ended. They were adjudged to 3 years probation and 3700$. How do you feel about this?

Asian American: It's a shame. I can't understand. There ist no equality in this state. I don't want to know what would be happen if an Asian American kills a white person. It is indignity for all Americans with an ohter origin.

Reporter: I understand, you feel to be treated in an unfair way, right?

Asian American: Yes, of course We were blamded for America's sagging in auto industry. It's ridicoulus.

Reporter: Are you afriad of violence?

Asian American: Yes, it's very hard, I don't want my children to go out in the evenings. We came to the USA to find peace and to escape poverty, only to have a better future, but now we have to live in fear...

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Freitag, 15. Juni 2007
Radio entry
Korean American history

The first immigrants from Korea came to Hawaii at the beginning of the 20th century. Later they entered the United States mainland especially California, Utha, Colorado, Wyoming, Arziona and Alaska. Most of them went to L.A. or New York. In America they hoped to find work, peace and democracy. They were farm workers or wage laborers.
1908 the immigration stopped, because Koreans were Japanese nationals and the Japanese were excluded.
When the Korean War ended in 1953 a small number of students and professionals entered the USA. From then till today ther were 150,000 adoptees.
With the passage of the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965, Koreans became one of the fastest growing Asian groups in the United States, surpassed only by Filipinos.

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